I'm proud to announce the unifying principles that I truly stand for. After 30 plus years of transacting insurance business, I have developed a Company Creed that I request everyone within the family of Global Financial Group to adhere by. I have worked with over a thousand insurance agents and thousands of clients in my career. I believe that I have enriched many agents with their Career. I also believe that I have assisted thousands of clients with the assistance of other quality agents, to positively structure their insurance portfolio. I feel that the next 20 years of my life will enriched by the quality people that I associate with. Here is our COMPANY CREED:
The Global Financial Group core beliefs will impress upon its agents, employees and affiliates, honesty and fairness in all of its business dealings.
Thomas Gucciardi, the founder of Global Financial Group is proud of the unifying principles and morals we strongly believe in:
Thomas Gucciardi:
We offer our clients competence, diligence, and good judgment.
We utilize compliant marketing material from the carriers we represent as well as the State we are conducting business within.
We will only conduct business that benefits our clientele.
We will continually show respect to fellow agents and employees.
We will respect all Insurance Agents in our industry in a fashion in which we wish to be respected.
We will utilize fair marketing practices with the intention of educating our clientele.
We understand and agree that a personalized and caring nature towards our clientele is the first responsibility we have to our clientele. We will service our clientele to the best of our ability.
We offer fairness, integrity and civility as etiquette for correct business and personal relationships.
We will strive to make our personal lives and business activities an example for others to emulate and a source of pride for our families and community.
We hold all individuals' rights to self-determination, privacy and personal dignity to be authentic.
We believe ethical behavior is a matter of spirit and intent as well as a matter of law.
We believe honesty and integrity is characterized by open and truthful communication.
These principles shall be the guiding light for all.
Thomas Gucciardi, Founder