Saturday, September 15, 2018

Tom Gucciardi - Annuity and Life Insurance planning. Simply put.

Annuity and Life Insurance knowledge is needed in Estate Planning

I, Tom Gucciardi, the Founder of Global Financial Group will give you tips to save your Estate and live with a lifetime income. In simple terms.

1. An Annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company.  The same way a CD is a contract between you and a bank.  In today's modern times, Annuities allow to take Income “For Life” even when the Principle is gone you will still get income for life.  Call Thomas Gucciardi at 954-804-4381 to discuss this.

2. Life insurance in my option, is the best way to leave a tax-free legacy to your family.  Humans have a 100% guarantee that we will die.  Life Insurance leaves your children tax free benefits.  Why leave a CD valued at $100,000 to a child, when you can leave a much larger amount? Tax free!  Most people do not like to think of dying or what happens afterwards.  I have seen many nightmares when family members fight over the estate.  The time to plan is now.
Call Tom Gucciardi at 954-804-4381 for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Tom Gucciardi has been managing my parents portfolio for the past 20 plus years. My father passed away 3 years ago, my mother passed away shortly there after. Tom Gucciardi took care of my parents with kit gloves and personalized service. He visited them every 3 to 4 months in person. I was pleasantly surprised that he had written a second to die life insurance contract. The 1.5 million dollar tax free check I received upon my mothers death was brilliant estate planning. I now utilize Thomas Gucciardi due to his proven skills to manage all of my money.
